Friday 13 December 2013

Day 13: Trainwreck Barley Wine

Barrel-aged in freshly-emptied whiskey barrels this barley wine is a seasonal sipper.

The Story:
Although we don't officially do a Christmas brew, Trainwreck is typically pulling into your local liquor station right around the holidays.  This locomotive of flavour was born in 2010 and is brewed closer to an English Barley Wine style--a bit sweeter and darker than the American variant.  In 2012 we decided to stoke the boiler a little bit and barrel-aged Trainwreck in select bourbon barrels still wet from the distillery.  The toasted caramel and vanilla overtones meshed so well that we had to send it around the track again.  In order to experience the full complexity of this beer, it's best to allow Trainwreck to warm up a little bit to cellar temperature (10C).  Also, at 10% chugging is not recommended on this train.

Tasting Notes:
Pours a deep amber colour with a slight white head that's sweet in aroma.  Carefully aged in select bourbon barrels, flavours of toasted caramel and hints of vanilla are enveloped in warm malt sweetness that’s velvet smooth.  Best enjoyed at cellar temperature (10C).

Trainwreck is available seasonally around December for a limited time in the 650mL bottle.


  1. A Train Wreck on Friday the 13th. Was that intentional?

  2. Wow! Appropriately names. If we drank 3 of these we would be wrecked. Quite the striking flavor. Loving the snowcase!

  3. I was so, so, so sure that this would be the beer for day 24! What mysteries await!

  4. It was interesting, all sorts of flavour going on. Planned to have two beers tonight till I saw the 10%!

  5. This one definitely hit me like a train. Wish I had read this post prior to taking the initial gulp...whoosh...

    Took about 2 hours to finish sipping this heavyhitter. I'm not really a scotch guy, so this beer would not be my first choice. On the other hand, I commend Phillips for not being afraid to take a chance and be creative with their beers.

  6. I started this one a little too much on the chilly side and wasn't that impressed but once I let it warm up a bit, it became such an incredibly tasting drink. If I had more I would be seriously bad off today as I would have drunk them all.

  7. Love this one! I also expected it to be the Christmas Eve beer. I had it after our Christmas party. If I'd known, I would've had one or two less at the party... (Which served Blue Buck and Phoenix beers!)

  8. Actually followed the directions and let this warm. Wow this is a power punch. Woo woo! All aboard.
