Sunday, 15 December 2013

Day 15: Krypton Rye PA

Brewed with generous portions of rye malt, Krypton will be difficult not to drink in a single gulp

The Story:
Krypton made its appearance on this planet as a special guest in the Hopbox in 2010, and it's been radiating flavour ever since.  In a Rye PA generous portions of rye malt are added to the mash in place of barley, injecting a drier, almost spicy note to the brew.  Enjoy Krypton cold, wherever you find your fortress of solitude.

Tasting Notes:
Pours a pale light honey colour with a marshmallow white head.  Aromas of apple and slight citrus.  A bright floral flavour with a slight spice that lingers at the back of the tongue.  Finishes crisp and fresh.

Krypton Rye PA is available year-round exclusively in the Hop Box mixed pack in a 341mL bottle.


  1. This one punched through my taste buds and crippled my super powers with its strong hops. Paired nicely with my beef and cheddar sandwich!

  2. Its always a great start to the day when I open my Snowcase to spy a green bottle top as it means hops are on their way. Love this one. Thank you!

  3. delicious but where's my story?

  4. I really liked it but mine was rather flat. Is it available in anything else?
